So I can't help but notice all these ads for the republican circus on TV. And by circus I of course mean the race to the national convention. Turn on the TV and you can't go for one show without seeing a crapton of Romney ads. I am so sick of his "I'll test each program to see if it warrants borrowing money from China" one.
Gall is that an annoying commercial. But one that makes me laugh is the "Restore our Future" Super PAC against Santorum calling him a fiscally irresponsible pork grabber. Hilarious.
However it's also upsetting because I think Barack Obama would win almost every state if he were to run against Santorum. I think enough voters realize that the tune Santorum sings is only the same social distractors that buttfuck conservatives like him have been using since well before Reagan to keep the focus away from real issues such as poverty, education, and our national debt.