Friday, February 10, 2012

Being Gay a Choice?

First of all let me preface by saying, no being LGBTQ is not a choice. There, now that's out of the way, let's begin to entertain the Idaho Senator's ideas that sexual identity is a choice.

If being gay is a choice it shouldn't be protected. WRONG it should. Religion is a choice that we protect in this nation and in this state. You can be an athiest, a mormon, a catholic, a muslim, or even a pagan. We aren't allowed to discriminate and we aren't suppossed to pass laws limiting or prohibiting that behavior. People also choose to own property in this country and we vehemently protect that. We don't keep them from owning homes if they can afford them, we don't discriminate against those who choose to buy a house, or to have a car, or any other damn thing they choose to own. So sorry Idaho senate you can't tell me or any other Idahoan that just because being gay is a choice we shouldn't protect them.

That being said, let me also say you don't have to be gay to be for equal rights.

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